Thursday, December 07, 2006

all in a days work...

When prime minister Dr.Manmohan Singh visited Hyderabad yesterday he had two major items on his agenda. A function to mark the golden jubilee celebrations of the Administrative Staff College of India, an institution reminiscent of the older socialist era, served as a place to train the most important and influential component in the controlled economy, the bureaucrats. The institution is rediscovering its relevance in the liberalised Indian economy driven by free markets.

The other function on the PM’s agenda was the fifth anniversary celebration at the ISB, a private institution with no government intervention. ISB is truly a product of the a transformational thought driven by economic freedom and develops the most important component in the capitalist system , the managers who run the corporations. The prime minister on one hand paid homage to a relic from bygone era and at the same time underlined the importance of institutions like the ISB as partners in the growth and development of the country… all in a days work.

Ps: didnt want to write about the event and his speach since you might already have read enough about it in the medis :)


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