Random Snippets- II .....
- Term-1 began today, Prof. Aseem Ansari from Columbia kicked off the Marketing Course with the Fadex Case discussion. More on him in the days to come. The other class of the day was Accounting , Prof. Sanjay Kalapur is taking our section while some of the sections are covered by Prof Mark Finn. Having been through the rigors of the CA course I found the first class material pretty basic, however a large majority is absolutely new to accounts so cant say the same for them. I am told both the professors are planning a special program for the Chartered Accountants in the batch, they would be announcing the details pretty soon. All in all it was a good first day in office.
- Round of introductions still continue, each time I feel I now know all the people in my batch I come across a new face. While some of us are still pretty enthusiastic about knowing more people for some it’s a real pain to respond if you greet them on the way.
- Squash continues as well, infact I am pretty happy with myself on this front. I have built in an hour each day into my routine and have adhered to it for more then two weeks now. It’s nice to be back on the courts after almost three years, I did struggle for stamina in the beginning (well I still do…) but slowly getting back the old touch. More on this soon.......
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